Ephesians 4:29
Saturday, July 2, 2011 by team tuohy
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"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
Thinking back I can't remember if I have mentioned that Michael and I are part of something called a foundation group. It's a community group that is put together through our church- Watermark- with five other couples and a mentor couple. For 18 months we go through curriculum designated by Watermark and are coached on it by our mentors in order to best prepare us as Newlyweds for our marriages to last and on how to live in community, and do it well. At the end of those 18 months it is the hope that we will continue on as a community group apart from our mentors. I will say that it hands down has bettered our marriage, friendships, lives, thought process and most importantly walk with Christ more than any other single thing. We are big supporters.
So far we have read When Sinners Say I Do and followed Watermark's own financial curriculum MoneyWise. Now we are into this little wonder called The Lasting Promise. It is about all thing communication! So as a guy in our mentor's community group said the definition of good communication can be put up to Ephesians 4:29. Wholeheartedly agree. With that said, we are on an adventure to memorize it. I put it as a post-it on my office computer which has done wonders, as well as left the email with just the scripture address in my inbox so I am reminded daily to think of it and try to repeat it back. Oh the tricks of years worth of studying for exams!
The first time I really took this verse in, it was actually on the table at our foundation group leaders home- the dinning room table. What a glorious idea. Tables are where people talk the great, the good and unfortunately the bad and nasty. It's most commonly surrounded by family or close friends and seems like a safe place to let it all out. However, this comes with the ability for the line between chat that builds others up and gossip to be seriously grayed quite easily. With no negative intentions at all it goes from a simple conversation about a low point in a day, or a topic on mind to a full on tear down sesh about whatever may have caused that. However, I wonder what that would look like if every time you looked up from your place your eyes were smack dab faced with scripture. I bet you would think twice, I would.
Along with the dinning room table encouragement this verse also gives pure general encouragement and guidelines for what Godly communication looks like. Imagine how much our conversations would alter if all we spoke were words that would build others up. Imagine how those around us would feel, good I bet. Imagine what our spouses would be like towards us, how well they would take our words into consideration, the love our marriage would pour out. All due to the knowledge that the words being spoken were only for that single purpose of encouraging and making each other stronger in faith and more Christlike. Such good stuff!
These reasons alone along with the pure joy in engraving God's Word on my heart makes me pumped to get the chance to add it to my scripture memory bank with my fellow friends, I love being in this as a team and growing in our walks together. Not only is it nice accountability but its fun to look back and see how much we've walked through together and how rockin' our marriages are going to be with such lessons as this one!
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