week 13.

You are officially 13 weeks. The time has already flown by. Our first glimpse of you was week 5, you gave mommy & daddy a little scare, but all was well, the Lord had already gone before us and thankfully because we went we knew we needed to take some extra medicine to help you hang in there! We got to see your heartbeat at week 7 (June 12th) and got to hear it beating ever so strong at week 9 (July 10th). We often listen to this both during our days and together at night, we just cannot get enough of you! Your adorable BFF or future spouse was born last Monday, July 17th. He is incredibly precious and it made mommy and daddy so excited for your arrival in a short 6 months. Last night you got to "cuddle" together and it just melts mommy & auntie Jess' hearts. I got to feel you fluttering around in there for the first time on Wednesday (July 19th). I was at Panera for a lunch date with Daddy, he said you were doing summersaults (just like mommy already).We love you so much sweet pea! 

Your Size: A Peach. 
Your Wight: 1 Ounce.
Scripture from Daddy: Ephesians 4:6 "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."   
Your Movements: We felt your first little flutters!!! 
Mommy's Cravings: Potatoes (any form) & Sweets. Sweets. and more Sweets. 
Mommy's Aversions: Chicken. 
Best Moment: Feeling you flutter around in there!Nugget- it was the most incredible moment.  
Worst Moment: First experiences with heartburn and reflux. Tums are now mommy's BFF's come bed time. 
Mommy Misses: Sleeping through the night & having somewhat control over these things called emotions ;)
Daddy Misses: Golf.
Mommy Cant Wait: To feel you move again! 
Daddy Cant Wait: To hold you!!!
Your Milestones: First Flutters.You have fingerprints.  
Other News:We found out with an attempt at California rolls and confirmed twice (eek- I keep forgetting!)that mommy is now allergic to avocado while pregnant. Sad news for this guacamole lover during summer & football season.

Lord, thank you for our precious child. We pray this week you hold nugget tightly in your arms as always. That we would be good stewards each day of whatever this pregnancy brings. Lord we pray you grow and prepare us for precious nugget and that we would openly embrace all you have to teach us. We pray for mommy and baby to be healthy as we travel to Michigan and the puppies to be well looked after  here. Thank you for who you are and for your son. We are forever grateful, Amen. 



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