Monday, March 28, 2011
by team tuohy
There has been a serious lack in the updates on lacrosse... it has consumed our lives and you would honestly think I had a child on the team and drive a mini-van for how much our life already revolves around it. Luckily for me I grew up in a family where this was to be the norm and so as my life continues in this pattern I am happy to follow along. With the season about half way behind us now I am a proud wife to say the team is 7-0 undefeated! They are simply rock stars!
I won't lie, this last Friday was a bit of a nail bitter and Michael has informed me he aged a good five years in those last seconds as the score game down to a single point difference. All that matters though, they had a great time out there and they still were able to hold down a very good team and push through to win! It was a great learning experience for these boys who seem to be used to 10-2 scores, it set them on fire and pushed them to drive with their hearts to success. Their coaches however, were clenching their hearts-good thing they all are healthy!
I continue to be so proud and amazed by the work Michael is doing with these boys. Each game they look better with their skills and teamwork. It will be unbelievable what they will be able to do by high school at this rate. The families could not be sweeter and there are a few moms who just make me feel right at home in those stands every week cheering them on! It truly has continued to be such a wonderful experience for our family, and we look forward to all that is yet to come! What a great way to start our spring season =)
Wonderful Coaches! I particularly like the one in the middle ;) |
Love Friday Night Games! |
Mike in his Element! |
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