Everything I Need

I came across this post on Facebook last night with this Kutless video, it is beautiful and so aligned my heart with Gods. So this morning during my quiet time I listened to it again and it just put my heart at peace once again. Something they say in the interview of the song is it is based off the the fact that "you don't realize Jesus is all you need, until that is all you have." So true. When we went on a mission trip as a family years ago to Juarez, Mexico I remember going down thinking we would help change their world and make it a little brighter and faithful to Jesus, what I was not prepared for was how they would change my world. They have faith like I desire to have, they rely on Jesus for their next meal, next paycheck, next everything. Their entire world can be going wrong and they still have faith and still are faithful servants. Could we say we would be the same, I do hope so. Enjoy this video and get right with your Savior who loves you and longs for you to need him and solely him.


SnOw DaYz!

ALERT: It snows in Texas!!!! I remember last year when we started talking about where we would be moving to and looking into Dallas hearing something about crazy snow that winter. So naturally, I was hopeful but still completely shocked when 2011 came around and I found myself in a week of telecommuting mode as the snow fell outside our window! Now, Being from Colorado I will say that snow days here come quite easy in comparison, but no matter the depth they are still something that excite me just like when I was a child! It reminded Mike and I of getting snowed in last year in England after returning from a Christmas in San Diego! What quality time we had together snuggled into Bollington!
Snow Fun in Bollington!

Handsome Snow Man!

This year looked a little different in our apartment here in Dallas, while I working from home during the day, Mike began the dissent into Cabin Fever (dun dun dun...) Day one you dream of cuddling up with hot coco after rolling out of bed with just enough time to log into the computer.Day two we got lost in which country we live in with BBC America on in the background and snow falling outside. Day three we ventured out to Starbucks across the street as completely ate it in the middle of the intersection, then came day four. Day four started out like any other day of the week until at one random moment the cabin fever set in and, well, you can see what occurred...

Stir Crazy?

Maybe he was picturing the Alps?

Even Lincoln Hid...

Oh how I love the joy of being married to him! Thankfully all it took was the clock striking five and yet another cup of hot coco and some good old movies as a couple to get things back to normal! Until next year however, these are a great reminder of the amazing life I get to live each day being married to my best friend who makes me laugh from the deepest part of my soul! Not to mention, some great black mail!


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