Thursday, September 6, 2012
by team tuohy
Hello love bug~ You are 19 weeks and some change! Your doctors appointment this week was incredible, we got to get a video of you moving around in there and it is just beyond precious! I possibly just watched it 4+ times in a row. How He Loves Us was playing in the background once, Nugs we pray that you know Christ crazy loves you always. You are two days ahead and growing strong, your organs all looked great and your bones are measuring just right :) You refused to wake up during the sonogram (even after I had a coke) - just like your daddy! You did give us a few stretched when the technician shook my belly and a big 'ole yawn but that was about it! Hopefully that is a sign of what is to come- we would totally be okay with you taking after dad in the sleep department when you join us in January! We are enjoying every moment with you until then too!
Your Size: A Mango (6 inches- a half a foot!!!).
Your Wight:8 1/2 ounces.
Scripture from Daddy:Matthew 19:14 "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
6 7Your Movements:You have started to give a little more "punch" in your flutters and they are more frequent but I am still convinced it is not a legit kick yet! Soccer not your thing? I will start preparing Dad that if you are indeed a boy playing for ManU may not be in your future ;)
Mommy's Cravings:Sweets (yes, still!)& occasionally all things Salty.
Best Moment:Watching you move in your sonogram. Most incredible thing we have ever seen. We have the video and may watch it numerous times a day!
Worst Moment:A really rough couple of nights of sleep... this whole sleeping with a bump thing takes some practice!
Mommy Misses:Sleeping on my tummy & back. Well, really, sleeping in general.Guess this is practice thought, right Nugs?
Daddy Misses:Nothing =)
Mommy Cant Wait:Until Daddy gets to feel you move too! He puts his hands on my tummy every night to try and it is just going to be so fun for him once he can feel you wiggle around in there.
Daddy Cant Wait:Holding you ever single day come January!
Your Milestones:Your brain is starting to have different areas designated for each sense. So neat! Your brain was INCREDIBLE to see on Tuesday, like a top moment in our life.
Other News:We continue to narrow down options for your precious name! We are also about to start working on your nursery, whoop whoop! Love you little one.
Lord, thank you for the gift of today and the gift of this pregnancy. We stand in awe of you yet again. Thank you for the provisions in our lives and the truth of your sovereignty. We pray we remember our job as parents is not only to love nugget like crazy but more than that it is to direct him/her to you and what you did for us on the cross. That they would be raised in a home that praises your name in the good and the bad. That he/she would know in all of those moments that our love for him/her is nothing in comparison to yours, for yours Father is perfect. Thank you that you are who you say you are yesterday, today and tomorrow. You promises are more than comfort, they are everything. Thank you for grace in the tougher times. You are enough Father in all ways. We praise your name for all the above.
We love you Nugget,
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Friday, August 31, 2012
by team tuohy
Good Morning Sweet Nugs,
Happy Thursday! You are officially 18 weeks- time is flying by! We have continued to learn so much about you and just love you more and more! We get to see you Tuesday and cannot wait!!!! A couple Saturdays ago Dad and I went to a class called Transparent at Watermark. It was such a sweet time of learning what this transition will look like. Even more than that though, we got to learn what it looks like to raise you in a home that is honoring to the Lord. It was explained that all the instructions for how to parent can be found in Deuteronomy 6. That chapter shows us how to live our life in a way in which our kids lives and homes will be blessed. In our class we learned more about this foundational scripture and how it showed us that if we will follow His commandments we will have blessings of a peace in our home, but we must be dependent on the Lord and love Him with all of our heart and with all of our soul and with all of our mind. Therefore, our role as parents is to raise you in a home that is fully devoted to the Lord. Being intentional and talking to you about it ALL THE TIME. To teach you to be fully devoted to God is the greatest gift we could give you. The key and most important thing to do this and raise Godly kids in our homes is for our own lives to be fully transformed by God (Which we can't wait to tell you about!). It is so comforting to know that He does not call us to be perfect sweet one, but just to point you towards Him with every breath we have. He loves you even more than we love you and His grace is always sufficient. We love you like crazy but always hope you know that it is nothing in comparison to knowing your Savior and abiding in Him.
Your Size:A Bell Pepper (5 1/2 inches long!).
Your Wight:7 ounces.
Scripture from Daddy: Deuteronomy 6:6-8 "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."
6 7Your Movements:You have slowed down this week a lot, very few random movements. Momma is really for some kicks!
Mommy's Cravings:Grape Bubble Gum... We have been to 5 stores and NO luck! Of course chocolate & slurpees as well!
Mommy's Aversions:Chicken.
Best Moment: Narrowing down your sweet names!I also went to a consignment store with friends and got you such precious clothes!!! I can't wait to see you snuggled in them!
Worst Moment:We thought we could finally kick the nightly zofran and had success until we took the prenatal without it... It was one sick morning and one sad momma.
Mommy Misses:Diet Coke.
Daddy Misses:Watching Castle... If only mom could stay up that late anymore!
Mommy Cant Wait:To start the nursery... One more step closer to bringing your sweetness home!!! I am also oddly excited to wash your precious new clothes... Something about baby laundry!
Daddy Cant Wait:To see you next week!
Your Milestones:Your nervous system is developing and those bones are getting stronger! You can now flex your arms and legs =) Let the kicking & stretching begin!
Other News:We heard an incredible talk this week HERE. We pray you get to listen to this and know its truth one day =).
Lord, what a precious week this was. How you worked in both of our hearts in crazy ways. It never ceases to amaze me how you show up and pursue us in everlasting ways through every season. We are so thankful that your love never fails and it never gives up. We are humbled as we were reminded this week that your love is incredible for us, and your love for nuggy is the same. How comforting to know you love nugs even more than we do. That you sent your precious son to die on a cross and for a moment he took our sin upon His, a perfect man, so that we could and nugget could could be reconciled to you and share in this indescribable relationship. Love so amazing. Thank you for times of comfort this week and times of trial, thank you for celebrations and more than anything thank you for grace. You are enough for us. We love you.
We Love You!
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Friday, August 24, 2012
by team tuohy
This week is week 16 & 17. Mommy had one of her largest events at work and things got a bit behind. You have been a joy and we got to learn about you all day in a class called transparent and then you got to see your sweet friend Jude that night and loved your cuddle time with him! You are starting to show like crazy sweet pea,and it is a pure joy being your mommy & daddy.
{WEEK 16}
Your Size:An Avacado (4 1/2 inches).
Your Wight:3 1/2 ounces.
Scripture from Daddy:Psalms 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."
Your Movements:We have had about 1 flutter a day!!! It is SO precious!
Mommy's Cravings:Slurpees (shocker! more sweets!)
Mommy's Aversions:Chicken!
Best Moment:Feeling you move in there =)
Mommy Misses:Absolutely nothing! I am loving pregnancy right now, minus this bump I would never know!
Daddy Misses:Nothing =)... He is sweet.
Mommy & Daddy Cant Wait:For Transparent this week!
{WEEK 17}
Your Size:An Turnip (5 inches).
Your Wight:5 ounces.
Scripture from Daddy:Psalm 78:4-7 "We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law
5 in Israel,which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands."
6 7Your Movements:You gave us a ton of movements but have been quiet the last few days, I think you are preparing for craziness of kicks soon!
Mommy's Cravings:Chocolate :) We made brownies at 10pm one night! Eeek!
Mommy's Aversions:Tried chicken because it sounded good, did NOT go down good ... bummer. Bananas.
Best Moment: Being in the transparent class at Watermark. It was such a fun learning process of us!
Worst Moment:Sick morning this week =(
Mommy Misses:Being able to wear my jeans, guess it is time for some maternity ones!
Daddy Misses:Golf.
Mommy Cant Wait:To feel a strong kick!
Daddy Cant Wait:To feel you move!
Other News:You are your father's child... at transparent this last week dad handed me a banana, a green one even, which I normally LOVE. We don't really have them in the house a lot because daddy HATES them!!! Well, it was awful, I gagged the whole time and now can't stand them... oh sweet baby of mine the things you take after him in already!!! No wonder I am also craving chocolate ;)
Lord, please be with baby this week as he/she continues to grow. Thank you for providing strength over these past two weeks as we have been busy at work and continuing to re-do the house. You have provided in incredible ways Lord and we are just so thankful for that. May we continue to submit to you each day and moment and remind ourselves without you we can do nothing (John 15:5).
Posted in:
Thursday, August 9, 2012
by team tuohy
Sweet Nugget,
This week has been such a fun week with getting to think about you. We just love doctor's appointment weeks as it makes it so much more real to hear/see you! Although with this bump, I am not sure how anyone could miss what is going on ;). We are so thankful for who you are already and we just cannot wait to snuggle you up!We are praying this week your bones would continue to grow strong and you would already know how dearly loved you are by us and even more so by Christ. We love you.
Your Size:An apple.
Your Wight:2 1/2 ounces.
Scripture from Daddy:Deuteronomy 6:5 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
Your Movements:Nada that we can feel. However, we got to listen to your crazy strong (sounded like a horse trotting) heart beat yesterday and when you would move out of the way you could hear all the movement. SO INCREDIBLE. I love seeing your dad just beaming in those moments. He loves you crazy amounts.
Mommy's Cravings:Sweets (it is pretty ridiculous little one).
Mommy's Aversions:Chicken is still hit or miss, usually miss.
Best Moment: Being encouraged by a sweet friend that you are our little secret that we get to keep until come January! Dr. Harris was also extremely excited about this and it just blessed us to see him light up and encourage us in it.
Worst Moment:Having some more sicky days that I haven't had in a few weeks. Sleeping is also not coming so naturally.
Mommy Misses:Sleeping on my tummy & back.
Daddy Misses:Going to Gloria's with Mummy.
Mommy Cant Wait:To see you at our next appointment!!!
Daddy Cant Wait:To see those little fingers and toes.
Other News: We had a really "funny" moment this week when Dad was rubbing my feet on the couch and stopped. I started crying because he had stopped, then laughed at myself for crying over it, then dad laughed and so I cried and then the cycle continued. He may have video taped it, but somehow it got deleted ;)... oh the joy precious one, it was hilarious.
Lord, we love you so much. Thank you for this week, this day and this season. I pray you continue to guide us during this time in our marriage and also as good stewards of Nugs. We pray this weekend is full of laughter with our sweet friends and that we soak in each and every minute you have given us. As mentioned in staff prayer, may we just be present exactly where we are and take all that we are to from each moment instead of rushing through our journey to get to what we believe will bring us satisfaction or end the heartache. Such a good reminder. Thank you for who you are and that today you have made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it. May we be still and know that you are God. We love you dearly and ask all this in your precious Son's name. Amen.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
by team tuohy
Sweet pea we just love you to bits. This weekend we all went to Michigan for a lacrosse tournament Daddy was coaching. It was so fun to take you along and get out of the heat (107 in Dallas today little one!). Mommy struggled with some fear this weekend but it was such a sweet reminder that you are the Lord's child even before being ours and that He has you and loves you more than we could ever imagine. We are so blessed by the sweet lessons we are learning through getting such a joyful opportunity to be your parents. Here is all your updates:
Your Size: A lemon.
Your Wight: 1 1/2 Ounces.
Scripture from Daddy: Deuteronomy 4:9 "But watch out! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen the LORD do for you. Do not let these things escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren." Daddy is very excited Nugget to one day tell you his story of how mighty God is to save =)
Your Movements: You have been quiet in there sweet pea, although our updates tell us you are moving like crazy!
Mommy's Cravings: Sweets (Daddy is LOVING this!!!)
Mommy's Aversions: Chicken.
Best Moment: Daddy talking to you (he does this a lot now!)
Worst Moment: Mommy got a sunburn from being at Daddy's lacrosse tournament with SPF 50 on! Oh how you are changing my body in so many ways!
Mommy Misses: Cold Turkey Sandwiches.
Daddy Misses: Nothing!
Mommy Cant Wait: To see how you have grown and to feel your precious kicks =)
Daddy Cant Wait: For mommy to feel better, it makes him sad when I am sick (LOVE that guy, he is so good at taking care of me).
Your Milestones: You are starting to grow bones, may they be strong little one!
Other News: Mommy's belly is growing like you would not believe! It is fun to get to see it and know you are growing in there too. The fact that you are a size of a fist is incredible.
Lord, We love this baby more and more every day. We are humbled and amazed at the truth that it still does not compare to how much you love us. Thank you for 14 weeks. Thank you for all the refinement that you are doing to us and our marriage from such a sweet little one! We are so grateful for your promises and how mighty you are to save, today was a great reminder of that. Thank you for this slice of joy and may we remember always to praise you in sweet moments such as these and even more in opposite ones, regardless of our situation you are good. We love you and pray this all in your Christ's name. Amen.
Posted in:
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
by team tuohy
You are officially 13 weeks. The time has already flown by. Our first glimpse of you was week 5, you gave mommy & daddy a little scare, but all was well, the Lord had already gone before us and thankfully because we went we knew we needed to take some extra medicine to help you hang in there! We got to see your heartbeat at week 7 (June 12th) and got to hear it beating ever so strong at week 9 (July 10th). We often listen to this both during our days and together at night, we just cannot get enough of you! Your adorable BFF or future spouse was born last Monday, July 17th. He is incredibly precious and it made mommy and daddy so excited for your arrival in a short 6 months. Last night you got to "cuddle" together and it just melts mommy & auntie Jess' hearts. I got to feel you fluttering around in there for the first time on Wednesday (July 19th). I was at Panera for a lunch date with Daddy, he said you were doing summersaults (just like mommy already).We love you so much sweet pea!
Your Size: A Peach.
Your Wight: 1 Ounce.
Scripture from Daddy: Ephesians 4:6 "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Your Movements: We felt your first little flutters!!!
Mommy's Cravings: Potatoes (any form) & Sweets. Sweets. and more Sweets.
Mommy's Aversions: Chicken.
Best Moment: Feeling you flutter around in there!Nugget- it was the most incredible moment.
Worst Moment: First experiences with heartburn and reflux. Tums are now mommy's BFF's come bed time.
Mommy Misses: Sleeping through the night & having somewhat
control over these things called emotions ;)
Daddy Misses: Golf.
Mommy Cant Wait: To feel you move again!
Daddy Cant Wait: To hold you!!!
Your Milestones: First Flutters.You have fingerprints.
Other News:We found out with an attempt at California rolls and confirmed twice (eek- I keep forgetting!)that mommy is now allergic to avocado while pregnant. Sad news for this guacamole lover during summer & football season.
Lord, thank you for our precious child. We pray this week you hold nugget tightly in your arms as always. That we would be good stewards each day of whatever this pregnancy brings. Lord we pray you grow and prepare us for precious nugget and that we would openly embrace all you have to teach us. We pray for mommy and baby to be healthy as we travel to Michigan and the puppies to be well looked after here. Thank you for who you are and for your son. We are forever grateful, Amen.
Posted in:
Friday, July 20, 2012
by team tuohy
Wow. A year. I cannot believe that so much time has passed. I started a new job that has challenged, encouraged and filled my cup in so many ways, we traveled to Michigan for a lacrosse tournament, The Broncos made the hubsters day by joining us here in DTown, We had our second anniversary (whoop whoop), We went to our first UT Game (BOOMER SOONER still at heart!), We spent Thanksgiving in Colorado, We took a trip to the Aquarium,
We got a new dog- sweet Molly- a golden retriever (Lincoln loves being a big brother!), Michael turned 25, We had our first Team Tuohy Christmas here in Dallas, Sweet DD returned to the MEGA making me love my job more and the MEGA, Michael's life was radically changed through The Real Men's series at Watermark, Two MEGA girls got married, We bought our first house and then re-molded it, Michael had an undefeated season in lacrosse, A dear friend got married, I turned 25, Michael's family visited... twice, A MEGA girl got engaged, My sweet family also joined us in Dallas, Another dear friend had her more than precious and perfect son, Our community group has continued to do life together, oh and yes WE ARE HAVING A BABY... currently finishing up week 12. Incredible. Thank you Lord for uncountable blessings.
North Carolina for sweet bride's wedding! |
Michigan! |
Moving Day! Love me some Lincoln! |
Broncos come to town!!! |
Sharks- YES please. |
I heart my job. |
Team Tuohy Expands!!! YAY Molly (a few months after we got her!) |
Our First Home!!! |
Mr. & Mrs. Stine |
Community Girls |
UT Game |
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